Seek Films’ “All of Me,” a short film by director Daphne Schmon, will premiere at Cannes Marché du Film 2017. The film, created by an all-female team, will screen on Friday, May 26 at 8:30 PM at Olympia 2 (5 rue d’Antibes, Cannes 06400). (Festival badge or invitation is required for entry.)
Director Schmon, along with writer Emily Carlton, producer Jemma Moore and editor Philippa Carson will be in attendance.
“All of Me” is the story of Viv (Chereen Buckley), a talented musician who faces late stage leukemia that threatens the life she’s built in London. Her best hope is a bone marrow transplant from a member of her estranged family, but reconnecting means confronting a difficult past.
The film was shot on location in London and Dungeness with an all-female crew.
“Many of us put up a wall to cope with difficult transitions in life. In some cases, we shut out the people we love most. It was our hope to explore this divide; to find humanity on both sides by presenting a female character who must confront her estranged family in an effort to survive,” comments Schmon. “Working with such a talented cast, led by Chereen Buckley, and all the women on the crew of ‘All of Me’ was a true honor.”
“All of Me” marks Daphne Schmon’s narrative directorial debut. The award-winning director and editor founded Seek Films in 2009 after graduating with honors from Wesleyan University. Her feature directorial debut “Children of the Wind,” garnered seven awards in the festival circuit, including “Best Documentary” and “Best Emerging Filmmaker” at the world’s premiere action sports film festival X-Dance. The film was also nominated for the “CNN Best Documentary Award” at the American Black Film Festival. She has led teams in nine countries, including Kenya “Shifting Ground” and Venezuela “Down to Earth,” directing documentaries, commercials and music videos.
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Director Daphne Schmon is available for media interviews during the festival. Please contact: Nicole Goesseringer Muj/Cloud 21 at (+1-310-804-0964) to schedule.